Cyrus the Great 3 (3)
His declaration is amazing. His vision is so simple, clear and fair.
I think his ideas are all correct. If a leader like him had governed a country. people might live peacefully with hope. Or I wonder were there controversies about his idea in those days like nowadays?
I have two feelings. One is admiration for a human who can have very wise ideas. The other is shame for humans who can’t live peacefully over 2500 years on the earth. Yuko
The people who are oppressed by religion don’t have freedom. They can’t say anything, only the king can. Nobody can follow personal ideas. Rico
I think that in our country there are these rights. We respect the different opinions, the different kinds of religions. That’s so important. I could not live in a country where that doesn’t happen. I’m so sad and angry about the monarchs who interpret the Bible or Koran to make politics. They make rules for people and then say, “that’s the rules from God/Allah.”And the people have no chance to contradict. They have to follow the rules, otherwise they have to go to jail and fear torture. I’m so sick about them. Ladina
He (Cyrus) respects everyone as human beings equally. That’s why he made the Human Rights for everyone; his mind was the same place where his people were. The way of his thinking is the base of our current “human rights”. Tomoka
I think these rights are great. If everyone could follow these rights, the world will be different. But I think nobody knows his rights in the Bible. Gladys
This writing was made thousands of years ago and somebody had the vision of the future about how people should treat others. I did not know about this and I am really amazed of all these words. If a ruler had these ideas about human rights a long time ago, how did we go from good ideas to wrong ideas about human rights all through history? I’m really disappointed how we lost time trying to understand what is humanity. We are the only species that have intelligence and reason and are able to create, think and evolve for the good of everybody. Hermogenes
Navid has the last word….
I think Cyrus wasn’t a normal man. He was a genius. Though he was a powerful king and conquered countries, he thought about his people. He was compassionate about everyone and the countries he conquered. He loved the people and hated slavery.