Images evoke scary stories: Halloween writing experience.

Students in my BOCES Adult Literacy ESL LEVEL 3-4 class got in the spirit of the season

by writing scary stories inspired by the illustrations of Edward Gorey (what an appropriate name!)

First in their native language (Spanish) and then translated by them into English. Finally, they read

their stories in both languages to another ESL class to practice their speaking skills…Read and enjoy!


“El Monstruo del Muelle”  Miguel Palacios

Cuentan la historia que en un lago vivia un monstruo que se aparecin por el muelle de dicho lago.

Le llamaban “el monstruo del muelle”. Un dia tres ninos curiosos decidieron ir al muelle para ver

si la historia era real. Ellos lleveban un bote de carnada para hacerlo salir del agua. Cuando ellos

caminaban por el muelle bieron que algo subia hacia ellos y dijeron “Oh, ahi esta!” Con miedo y

con curiosidad se acercaron era tan feo que se quedaron sin hablar. El monstruo los miro fijamente

y volvio al agua. Minutos despues reaccionaron. Les dio tant miedo que se prometieron nunca volver.

“The Monster of the Dock”  Miguel Palacios

They tell the story of a lake where there lived a monster. It appeared by the dock of that lake. They

called it “monster of the dock”. One day, three curious children decided to go to the dock to see if the

story was true. They carried a bait basket to make him come out of the lake. When they were walking

on the dock, they viewed that something came up towards them and they said, “Oh, there it is!”

Fearful, but curious, they approached. It was so ugly that they were left without speaking. The monster

watched intently and returned to the water. Minutes after they reacted so afraid that they promised

never to return.


“El hombre solitario que mira al mas alla” Betsy Pacheco

Hoy es un dia diferente porque el senor Mike comenzo a escuchar ruidos muy extranos. Desde su ventana

el miraba, de repente se oscurecia el cielo y a la lejos entre las plantas algo se ocultaba, jamas lo pudo ver.

Hace tiempo otras cuentan que el alma de un ser se aparece todos los dias pidiendo ayuda.

“Lonely man looking beyond” Betsy Pacheco

Today is a different day because Mr. Mike began to hear strange noises. From his window, he looked out

Suddenly the sky darkened and the distance between plants was hiding something he could never see.

For a long time they say that the soul of a being appears every day asking for help.


“El monje del antiguo monasterio”  Leticia Barragan

Se dice que en un antiguo monasterio en Morelia Mich, Mexico, dianbula un monje. Todos los dias

al caer la noche se escuchan pasos de alguien que camina, se ecuchan murmullos de musica, cantos.

El monasterio esta abandonado y las personas que han entrado cuentan que han visto al monje

sentado a frente al jardin con un libro entre sus manos. El monje al sentir la presencia de alguien se

levanta y se va, pero paresiera que vuela porque vio se le ven sus pies los pies.

“The Story of a Monk” Leticia Barragan

They tell in an old monastery in Morelia Mich, Mexico, there lived a monk. Every night,

we can hear many sounds, footsteps, music. The monastery is abandoned. Some people when they go there,

they can see a monk sitting on a bench in front of the garden. He has a book in his hands. When he

senses somebody is there, he goes away and they can see his foot. They see a monk goes away flying.

More stories to follow ……
