May I speak? again?

Who isn’t an immigrant?
This is a good viewpoint for Americans to hear. All of our ancestors moved to America from other countries a long time ago. Kazuko

They (Americans) don’t know their descendency. They think because they were born in the USA, it makes them Americans. Yes, it does, but they don’t have any relationship with native people who are 100% American people. Felix

Early or late their ancestors came here as immigrants, but they forgot that point and some of them treat immigrants bad just for being immigrants. Everybody is an immigrant in USA. Look back at American History. Tomoka

Most of the Americans who treat immigrant people in a bad way tend to forget that their roots were immigrants too. So it is very difficult for them to let us have equal rights. But it is not because they can’t, it is because they want to keep us under the shadows. They know if we get equal rights then we would want to ask for more benefits. That’s one of the issues they would have to deal with and of course, it would hurt their pockets Humberto

If Americans go back 2-3 generations, they were all immigrants. But they forget or ignore it and treat new immigrants badly. It’s inconsistency. I think it’s the bad side of humans that tries to protect their own vested rights.This speech cleared the unfairness and inconsistency that every immigrant feels inside. Yuko

Immigrant people deserve to be listened to because it’s in the law. Everyone has freedom of speech even if you have papers or not. The same way we would like to speak and be listened to, they deserve the same respect. Janaina

With or without papers we are still all the same and sometimes better because we help them to keep this country working and making more opportunities for new generations, many kinds. Pedro

All I know is that in this country everybody has the same opportunity to excel. If you are a good worker that’s for sure you are going to achieve many things and you will feel comfortable with yourself. Also, we know that this country was
built by immigrants. Hermogenes
